The help documents mentioned in the error message do not seem to address this question. How should the entitlments be incorporated in the productbuild?
I have tried including this in the bundle under Contents and also Contents/Resoures but it does not seem to make any difference. I also have a file called ist that includes for the sandboxing: -sandbox. The following executables must include the '-sandbox' entitlement with a Boolean value of true in the entitlements property list: Refer to App Sandbox page at for more information on sandboxing your app.” However attemps to upload it to Apple using Application Loader produces the following message:ĮRROR ITMS-90296: 'App sandbox not enabled. Whether you are studying for your first networking exam or building out a state-wide telecommunications network, GNS3 offers an easy way to design and build networks of any. Build, Design and Test your network in a risk-free virtual environment and access the largest networking community to help.
I have a bundle file called that works with productbuild to produce xxxx.pkg file and the resulting application works well on my computer. An advanced network simulator to design and configure virtual networks.